Article I - Name of the Organization
The name of the organization shall be the Korean-American Interscholastic Activities Conference or KAIAC.
Article II - Purpose and Definition of the Organization
The purpose or mission of KAIAC is to provide a well-rounded program of interscholastic activities for its member schools.
KAIAC is a non-profit unincorporated organization that qualified schools voluntarily enter into membership. Member schools will abide by the due process rulings of the governing board and/or council with the possibility of appeal to either or both bodies.
This constitution is to provide the framework and regulations by which KAIAC operates.
Article III - Membership
Schools seeking membership must be a DoDDS or an international school that is registered as such by the Korean Ministry of Education and is accredited or is pursuing accreditation by an established organization such as WASC, NCA, CIS, or ACSI. The spirit of the conference is that member schools must either be a DoDDS or an international school.
The final determination of whether a school meets KAIAC membership criteria shall be made by the Heads of School and will include consideration of the following factors:
Percentage of foreign students
Percentage of foreign teachers
English or international curriculum and standards
Accreditation status
Post-secondary placement of students
Designation from the Ministry of Education
In order for a school to maintain membership in KAIAC, the school must fully participate during the school calendar year in the regular season and end-of-season tournaments in the following six varsity team athletic sports: varsity boys and girls volleyball; varsity boys and girls basketball; and varsity boys and girls soccer. Failure to maintain this participation could result in the school being placed on a “probationary status” for one year. Unforeseen causes will be taken into consideration. Reinstatement to full membership will be determined at the May meeting.
A school’s participation should not be limited to these six sports. Schools should make every effort to participate in all or as many other KAIAC sponsored activities as possible, including: junior varsity girls and boys volleyball; junior varsity boys and girls basketball; varsity swimming; varsity and open cross country; varsity tennis; forensics and the music festivals in orchestra, band, and choir.
The Council will vote on the granting of a leave of absence or dissolving the membership of a school that can no longer maintain its participation in the conference by a minimum of two-third approval vote of all members present.
Schools desiring to enter or join the conference must first, petition KAIAC for probationary status and must be approved by a minimum of two-thirds of the member schools. This petition must be made at or before the January meeting to be voted on at that time. The Board’s recommendation will be passed on to the Council of Heads-of-Schools to be approved in March. Second, the new school must demonstrate for one (1) year that it is capable of maintaining its participation in the six varsity team sports outlined in paragraph 3.
Failure to maintain this participation, could result in the school losing its “probationary status” or having another year added to this status. During the year of “probationary status,” the school will be permitted to participate in the regular season and tournaments and will be eligible for All-Conference, All-Tournament, special and scholar-athlete awards. They are also invited to participate in the music festivals and forensic competitions. During the “probationary status,” the new school will be required to pay dues using the formula of member schools in Article VI, Section I of this constitution. During the year of probationary status, the school should attend all KAIAC Governing Board meetings but will not have a vote. In May, at the end of the new school’s one year probationary status, full membership may be granted with the approval of two-thirds of all schools. A school may voluntarily elect to remain on probationary status for more than one year.
Article IV - Governance
Korean-American Interscholastic Activities Conference or KAIAC will be operated by a two-tier governance structure consisting of a Council of Heads-of-Schools/Superintendents and a Governing Board of a representative from each member school, normally the athletic director.
Council of Heads of Schools
Section I - Representation
The Council will consist of the Head-of-School from each member school. Although the Head of School may designate alternates to represent him/her, the head of school/superintendent is strongly encouraged to attend these meetings.
Section II - Operation
Meetings shall be held two times during the school year (normally August and May) with a third meeting, if possible, in February. Additional meetings may be called on the formal request of a majority of the member schools. The presiding facilitating head-of-school will notify the member school heads no less than seven (7) calendar days prior to each meeting.
The presence of representatives from at least 60% of member schools at any called or regularly scheduled meeting of the Council of Heads-of-School shall constitute a quorum sufficient for transacting any business for KAIAC.
In general, the council will operate by consensus.
In the event that a vote is required, each member school has one (1) vote.
In the event that a vote is required, a motion will be passed by a simple majority with the exception of new applicant schools, annual budget, and amendments to the constitution.
Duties of the Council
The council will determine whether applicant schools will be granted membership into KAIAC. Applicant schools will be granted membership if two-thirds of those member schools represented at the meeting approve. (continued below)
The council has final authority over the granting of candidacy status to prospective schools, and will consider schools recommended by the governing board or schools who appeal a decision by the governing board.
The council will vote on recommendations from the governing board regarding any expansion and/or division of the conference. The council may direct the governing board to address any issues of concern to the council, and the council may make changes if the governing board fails to adequately address the issues.
The annual budget is submitted to the council by the governing board for review, revision, and final approval. This includes changing dues or the formula for determining such fees. Budget approval requires a minimum of a two-thirds approval vote of all member schools present.
The governing board submits to the council its recommendations for the expansion of KAIAC activities or programs. These recommendations must be approved by two-thirds of the member schools present. The council may direct the governing board to address any issues of concern to the council, and the council may make changes if the governing board fails to adequately address the issues.
The council will consider recommendations from the governing board for amendments to the constitution. In addition, the council may propose constitutional changes but will not implement changes without an opportunity for review and recommendation from the governing board prior to taking action. Approval requires a two-third approval vote of all member schools present.
Once per year, usually at its May meeting, the council shall review and vote on the proposed amendments from the governing board during that school year.
The council will vote on the granting of a leave of absence or dissolving the membership of a school that can no longer maintain its participation in the conference by a minimum of two-third approval vote of all members present.
Council Chair
The council shall have no officers, but at its May meeting will appoint a council chair for the following school year.
The council chair will serve for one year. This role will normally rotate among the heads/superintendents of member schools.
The sites of council meetings will normally follow the rotation of sites of the governing board meetings, but will be decided upon by the facilitator in consultation with other heads-of-schools.
The council chair’s role will be to inform heads of meeting dates and locations and to convene and facilitate council meetings. He or she will have no additional powers or duties.
The council chair shall designate a member to serve in the role of acting secretary. This individual will be responsible for taking minutes of the council meetings and assisting the facilitator in their distribution.
The conference may be abolished by a minimum of a 90% approval vote of all member schools. All remaining funds in the treasury will be divided among member schools on the following basis:
If the treasury has sufficient funds the current year, student fees shall be returned as collected. Any remaining monies will be equally divided among the schools.
If the treasury does not have sufficient funds to disburse as identified at the time of dissolution, then any remaining funds will be apportioned on the basis of the percent contribution to the treasury in the current year by the member school.
KAIAC outstanding debts will be paid proportionally by member schools. The proportion will be determined on the basis of the percent of the total dues each school contributed that year.
Governing Board
Section I - Representation
The Governing Board will consist of a representative from each member school composed of the athletic director or activities director. The principal may designate an alternate to represent his/her school at official board meetings. The Governing Board may also be simply referred to as “the Board.”
Section II - Operation
Meetings shall be held a minimum of five times during the school year (once each in August, November, January, March, and May).
The President must notify the member school principals and athletic directors no less than seven (7) calendar days prior to each meeting.
Additional meetings may be called by the President at his/her discretion or on the formal request of 60% of the member schools.
The presence of representatives from at least 60% of member schools, at any called or regularly scheduled meeting of the conference governing board, shall constitute a quorum sufficient for transacting any business for KAIAC. If all member schools are not present and a major voting issue is discussed, the missing school(s) will be consulted by telephone or email before the final vote is taken.
Each school represented at the board meeting will have a maximum of one vote.
No individual may cast more than one (1) vote on any single issue.
The President of the governing board will vote only in the case of a tie. Because of this provision, the school, which provides the President, should send two people so that one may represent their school.
Board Duties
The board will create and approve the scheduling of KAIAC sponsored athletic contests, athletic tournaments, vocal and instrumental festivals, forensics contests, and any other sponsored interscholastic events. The specifics of these tasks may be delegated to a committee or sub-committee, which will report to the governing board for final approval.
The board will create and approve the format and procedures for KAIAC sponsored athletic contests, athletic tournaments, vocal and instrumental festivals, forensics contests, and any other sponsored interscholastic events. The specifics of these tasks may be delegated to a committee or sub-committee, which will report to the governing board for the final approval.
The board shall serve as a clearinghouse of information on other scheduled interscholastic events within the conference including, but not limited to AQT, Model United Nations, DoDDS Far East Tournaments, invitational tournaments, Asia Pacific Activities Conference (APAC) Tournaments/Festivals, Korean Council of Overseas Schools (KORCOS) Conference, etc.
The board shall submit recommendations to the KAIAC Council for final approval of new interscholastic activity opportunities within the conference.
The board shall approve the criteria and procedures for individual student, coach/sponsor and team All-Conference and All-Tournament awards.
The board will vote on constitutional and by-law amendments, which require a minimum of a two-third approval vote of all members present. Any amendment to be voted on must be circulated in writing to all member schools not less than 30 days in advance of the date of voting. Amendments approved by the governing board will be submitted to the KAIAC Council for review and consideration. Approval by the council is required for proposed constitutional amendments to be enacted. The recommended constitutional amendments should be approved by the Governing board at its January meeting and forwarded to the Council in order for them to be considered for approval at the May meeting.
The board will vote to grant provisional “candidate status” to new schools wishing to join the conference by a minimum of two-thirds approval vote of all member schools present. Schools approved by the board for membership will be submitted to the council for final consideration. This granting of “candidate status” must be made at or before the January meeting to be voted on at that time. The Board’s recommendation will be passed on to the Council of Heads-of-Schools to be approved in March.
The board will develop an annual budget to be approved by the KAIAC Council. The recommended budget to be sent to the Council requires a minimum of a two-thirds approval vote of all members present. The recommended budget for the following school year should be approved by the Governing Board at its March meeting so it may be forwarded on to the Council for consideration and final approval at the May meeting.
The board holds ultimate authority in determining eligibility to participate in interscholastic activities. The President of KAIAC may request member school(s) to provide eligibility documentation for participating students (i.e. grade point average - GPA) or school generated assessment tool(s), special student assessment tool(s), suspension and attendance records, or the number of semesters of participation in athletics).
The board will determine whether a member school has violated rules established under this constitution. Such violations may result in forfeiture of a league or tournament title or any other honor. A flagrant violation may result in suspension of that school from participation in that activity or all activities for the balance of, or a part of, the school year.
Article V - Officers
Section I - Term and Nomination
The conference Governing Board shall elect a president, secretary, treasurer, and historian (one each for Blue, Red and White Divisions) from within the board. An election will be held each year at the May meeting. The term of office extends from 1 June through 31 May. Nominations for elected positions shall be submitted to the conference President before the May meeting.
Section II - Officers’ Duties
Preside at all conference governing board meetings.
Direct the conference governing board so that the provisions of the constitution are carried out.
Serve as a voting member in the case of a tie vote.
Serve as a voting member of the protest committee.
Prepare and inform all conference board members of proposal and agenda items for all meetings.
Prepare an annual budget with the assistance of the treasurer.
Communicate on a regular basis with the board members on important or special issues.
Oversee the construction and dissemination of the conference schedules.
Record and distribute within ten (10) school days, minutes of all conference board or special meetings.
Carry on KAIAC correspondence and maintain records of correspondence for KAIAC files.
Assist the KAIAC Historian in maintaining a history of KAIAC including individual All-Conference and All-Tournament awards and team standings.
Serve as a voting member.
Collect and maintain an accounting of yearly dues.
Account for conference board funds through the use of a prepared financial statement and standard accounting procedures. Prepare a financial statement that will be available to the school representatives at each board meeting.
Order and coordinate the distribution of all conference provided awards and other such supplies.
Shall assist the President in preparing an annual budget.
Assist in any audits as required by Article IV and Article VI of the KAIAC Constitution.
Serve as a voting member.
Bank Book Procedures
The KAIAC Bank Book OTP, USB, and the official seal will be securely stored at the business office of the treasurer’s school.
The Treasurer’s school’s business and finance manager, as well as CFO, will be made aware of the KAIAC Banking materials and the process for usage.
The authorized use of KAIAC banking operations will be through bank location, ATM machine, and browser based usage. No phone application usage.
The KAIAC pin will be shared with the KAIAC treasurer and the KAIAC President for secure transfer of information if the position changes hands. The pin will be changed annually for security purposes.
The treasurer will update the president monthly on the transactions of the KAIAC account.
The legal entity documents for the KAIAC institution will remain housed at Seoul Foreign School, the official office of KAIAC.
Collect and maintain an electronic record of each sports’:
Regular season and tournament team finishes and records.
Individual All-Conference, All-Tournament, and special awards.
Scholar-Athletes and Sportsmanship awards.
Shall receive from each sport’s commissioner a timely report of all regular season and tournament records and awards.
Serve as a voting school representative member only.
23-24 Officers
President - Paul Rader (SFS) paul.rader@seoulforeign.org
Vice President - Darcy Lockman (TCIS) lockmand@tcis.or.kr
Secretary - David Snipes (CI) dsnipes@chadwickschool.org
Treasurer - John Blanchard (GSIS) blanchardj@gsis.or.kr
Article VI - Finances
Section I - Dues and Fees
Each member school shall pay a tournament fee and annual dues which consists of a flat fee plus an additional amount per student enrolled in grades 6-12 as of September 15 of that school year. The tournament fee, flat fee, and amount per student will be determined at the May governing board meeting and will be based upon an approved budget. “Probationary status” schools will also be required to pay all dues and fees. Fees are payable to the KAIAC treasurer by November 1 of each school year. Dues shall be used to purchase team and individual awards, fine arts guest conductor honorariums, printing fees for constitutions, website fee, and other supplies. The tournament fees shall pay for officiating costs at the varsity and JV (May 2016) team sports tournaments held in each of the divisions.
Section II - Annual Budget
The KAIAC Governing Board President, with the assistance of the KAIAC Treasurer, will submit a proposed annual budget for the following school year by the March meeting. The board will review and endorse the annual budget, which will be submitted to the KAIAC Council for review and consideration for approval. This budget will include tournament fees and any changes to the dues or the formula for determining such fees. Budget approval requires a minimum of a two-third approval vote of all member schools present.
Section III - Audits
Audits will be performed upon dissolution; when loss, theft, or mismanagement occurs; or as directed by the conference board. Audits will also be performed upon a change of treasurer.
Article VII - Liability
KAIAC is a non-profit unincorporated organization that qualified schools voluntarily enter into membership to provide a program of interscholastic activities for their students. Because of this status, KAIAC and its
members cannot be held liable by individuals, school(s), businesses, or other organizations. KAIAC schools should make all efforts to inform its constituency that it cannot be held liable for such things as medical injuries; schedule changes; or official rulings. Member schools must carry medical and liability insurance to cover their students’ participation in KAIAC activities with the exception of DoDDs schools, who have agreed to provide the standard level of care for anyone that is on the military installation.
Article VIII - Amendments
This KAIAC Constitution and/or By-Laws may be amended at the annual May Council meeting with a two-third vote of members attending. Those amendments will become effective the following school year (see below)
beginning in August. Any amendment to be voted on must be circulated in writing to all member schools not less than 30 days in advance of the date of voting.
Article IX - Ratification
This constitution shall become effective upon approval of 100% of the conference governing board. An authorized signature, preferably the high school principal, from each member school will be required in August of each school year.